

Started date 14 Sep, 23
Completion date 19 Sep, 23
Trainee Registered 30
Registration Form Upload 30
Mudra Form Upload 30
Status Running
Batch Rating

Address: Not Available

S. No. Name Designation Date
1. Mr.Harikant Ahluwalia Mayor Of Meerut 14 Sep, 23
2. Mr.Deepander Kumar District Industries Deputy Commissioner 14 Sep, 23
3. Mrs. Aadesh Kour Inspector Of Mahila Thana Meerut 15 Sep, 23
4. Mrs Anjali Sharma Female Doctor 16 Sep, 23
5. Mr.Pramod Kumar Assistant District Industries Centre Meerut 17 Sep, 23
6. Mrs. Medika Kapoor Advocate 18 Sep, 23
7. Mr.Sunil Bhadana Principal Of G.I.C. college Meerut 19 Sep, 23
Event Success Story Not Available