

Started date 4 Oct, 23
Completion date 12 Oct, 23
Trainee Registered 30
Registration Form Upload 30
Mudra Form Upload 30
Status Running
Batch Rating

Nobal Public School Garh Road Meerut

S. No. Name Designation Date
1. Satyajit Tyagi Former MLA of Kithore 4 Oct, 23
2. Mr Pramod Kumar Assistant District Industries Centre 4 Oct, 23
3. Manoj Kumar Principal Off Noble Public School 4 Oct, 23
4. Dr Bandana Singh, Health Education Officer CSC CHC Bhawanpur Rajpura 5 Oct, 23
5. Ms. Vishu Gupta Community Health Officer HWC Kamalpur 5 Oct, 23
6. Dr Neera Tomar Principal Of Mallu Mal Girls Inter College Of Daur 6 Oct, 23
7. Dr.Manoj Tyagi Principal Of Noble Group Of Institution, 7 Oct, 23
8. Mr Dinesh Arya Deepti Manager District Industries Centre Meerut 8 Oct, 23
9. Mr Bani Singh Chauhan Retired Principal Government ITI Saket Meerut, 8 Oct, 23
10. Mr. Ranveer Singh Rana Former MLA BJP 9 Oct, 23
Event Success Story Not Available